TOEFL iBT スピーキング問題2の解答例



Official TOEFL iBT Tests with Audio Volume 1のTest 1のQuestion 2は次の質問とほぼ同等である。

“Some people prefer to learn courses over the Internet. Other people prefer to learn in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why?”

Speaking Rubricsによると、採点基準は以下である。
– Delivery (発音、抑揚、明瞭さ)
– Language Use (語彙、熟語、文法)
– Topic Development (持続的かつ十分、首尾一貫かつ発展している。)
  • 正確な文法よりも、他のトピックにも使える汎用性の高いかつ英語らしい表現を磨くこと
  • それらの表現を自然に使えるように何度も解答練習

解答例 1

I definitely prefer to take courses over the Internet rather than in traditional classrooms. That is because video lectures are probably provided if I I am leaning over the Internet. So I can watch them at any time and any locations. On the other hand,  if I am learning in traditional classrooms, then I have to be there at a specific time and a specific location. That is quite inflexible. For example, I am a night birdthat is, I wake up late and be active at night. However, most traditional class-room lectures are offered during daytime. So it is hard for me to go to class that time. Therefore, I definitely prefer to take courses over the Internet.

解答例 2

I definitely prefer to take academic courses over the Internet rather than in traditional classrooms.  That is because video lectures are probably provided if I I am leaning over the Internet. So I can rewind a video if there is some point which I can’t understand in the lecture video. And I can watch it again and again until I completely understand it. On the other hand, if I attend a traditional class-room style lecture and miss what a professor said,  then I need to wait until the end of the lecture and have to ask him a question. However, I am not sure if he remembers what he exactly said in his lecture. Therefore, I definitely prefer to take courses over the Internet because that is more efficient than traditional class-room lectures.